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“There are 3 main steps!  Kill the cancer, cleanse your system, rebuild your body.”

Toni Colley-Lee

Attack, Beat Down, Kill and Seriously Fight Cancer NOW!   A Layperson’s Guide

by Toni Colley-Lee




ALLOPATHY: A system of treatment that seeks to cure a disease by producing a condition different from the effects of the disease. It also utilizes the system of introducing chemicals into the system and utilizing surgery to affect changes and cure diseases.

HOMEOPATHY: The use of remedies derived from natural substances in diluted form that when introduced, trigger the body's own healing powers. It is a concept that believes that a small amount of the substance that is similar or the same as the problem will induce the body to heal itself.

Allopaths are what we commonly call Medical Doctors in the United States now in the late part of the twentieth century, and early twenty first century. They have their place. They are most adept at emergency situations, trauma, surgery when needed, burns and the like. They are trained in such a manner as to deal with extreme, fast moving, acute situations. If you or I experience an automobile, train or airplane accident and have body parts damaged that need to be re-sewn or repaired, an Allopath is the appropriate person for the job. If a child is badly burned in a house fire, during the early stages, an Allopath is the person to call. If a set of Siamese twins is born who must be separated at birth, an Allopath trained in this specific surgery is the person to call. But if you develop a long term degenerative disease like diabetes, heart disease, cancer, alzheimers, multiple sclerosis and a host of other conditions, an Allopath is an inappropriate choice for ONLY care. Generally, you must change diet and habits to make a lasting difference, and in many cases, if you did that first, you might avoid the drastic measures that Allopaths must resort to due to their training. 

more in book . . . 


Attack, Beat Down, Kill and Seriously Fight Cancer NOW! a layperson's guideAttack, Beat Down, Kill and Seriously Fight Cancer NOW! a layperson's guide (book)

Attack, Beat Down, Kill and Seriously Fight Cancer NOW! is a guide for laypeople who want to understand how to fight cancer holistically. It is based upon the experiences of a researcher and her father, who went from metastasized prostate cancer to remission in 7 months, and then lived another 18 years. This is a primer for anyone embarking upon a fight against cancer and other major diseases. It explains what you are trying to accomplish in very simple terms, and cuts through confusion, and eliminates possible information overwhelm, thereby making it easier to understand any and all options.

Other Chapters

Chapter One - Allopathic VS Homeopathic Care
Chapter Two - Overview of Alternative and Natural Health Care Systems
Chapter Three - The Allopathic Cancer Battle Illusion
Chapter Four - Getting Your Mind Right and Priorities
Chapter Five - Your Immune System Load
Chapter Six - The Three Tier Cancer Fight Plan
Chapter Seven - General Principles of Fighting Cancer
Chapter Eight - Seven Days in the Life of a Cancer Warrior
Records my father kept - a sampling
Suggested Reading


Book Review

CANCER CORNER - Attack, Beat Down, Kill and Seriously Fight Cancer NOW! A Layperson’s Guide
by: Toni Colley-Lee
Review By: John LeRue for

This book is more than a passionate guide. This book is more like a manual. It specifies how to beat cancer with food science and food biology on a daily living basis. The diet that is in this guidebook/manual is a working understanding of macro and micro biotics with an emphasis on the human body as a scientific whole.
The authoress, Ms. Toni Colley-Lee, gives you a little background, a little information, and a lot of no-nonsense menus. She wants you follow her dietary plan of attack, not picking and choosing this and that, but following her food prescription, in order to thoroughly combat the cancer.

The diet and the foods and drinks she recommends are not new to any of us. The foods she uses can easily be found in the grocery market and the drinks can be found at the health food store or any on-line store.
Ms. Colley-Lee’s fight for her Father’s life led her on some incredible research journeys. And we are benefiting from her research. We, the layperson. We, the uninformed and misguided.

We, the consumers who fight for pennies and a comfortable, daily living. And Ms. Colley-Lee has given her knowledge to us, willingly, for a mere pittance, all she’s asking for this knowledge, is the price of this book.
But, truth-be-told, when you are in need, the information contained within this book is worth more than gold. It is worth a loved one’s life.

When you are faced with disastrous news, you just want out. Like any great soldier, you want to do as you are told and get back home. All you can think about is getting to the other side of your situation; making it across so-to-speak. You may even be willing to try new ideas and concepts and even old, ancient ones, too. If you strictly believe in the medical world of the 20th and 21st Centuries, you have only recent stats and successes and you must rely upon the Doctor’s and machines and technicians around you. 


But if you take the bull-by-the-horns and do things for yourself, like eat well! you stand to rework, realign, and remove the cancer, rather than physically bombard or cut-out the tumors and disease within. 


Once you are diagnosed with the disease of cancer, you really do not have many options. To a layman, not diagnosed, the choices are chemo, surgery, death, medicine and diet and exercise. To the layman who doesn’t have cancer and who wants nothing to do with cancer, the current option is eating healthfully. 


But when you are diagnosed, when your body has gotten so far off balance that it is dis-eased and it is converging upon itself, your choices are extremely limited; and so is the knowledge that is flying around libraries, universities and the internet.


Ms. Colley-Lee in her fight to fight for her father’s life, found out a hoard of information. Not only information, but insight into the human body. Insight into a diseased body whereby she needed to understand what the body needed as a working unit, rather than a specific working part as a single, in order to combat, stabilize and control the war that was waging. And her war began in the blood stream, but as the infiltrators took over, the cancer spread to other territories; so she needed to end the war by beginning again, with the blood stream.


Through her studies and research she found the elements. The choice groupings of enzymes, vitamins, minerals, photo, luteins, and all of the nutrients necessary to bombard the cancer into remission and to keep it away!

What more could anyone who was fighting cancer want to know?


She has actually given some information at the beginning of the book, but the real reading comes when you look at the daily diet. Yes, she gives a daily diet, a 15 minute increment diet! what to eat, when to eat, when to drink what… It is a real eye-opener.  Her research and her study group have given rise to fantastic and exceptionally promising cancer-curing information.


Ms. Colley-Lee has given us the information, spelled-out, moment-by-moment to understand for our daily living, key word there is LIVING, in order to fix the cancerous body.  Her guidebook/manual on fighting cancer is serious, it is not filled with falderal, and it is filled with step-by-step, minute-by-minute increments, of how to do this. Not just a prescription filled and pill to take, but what to eat, how to cook it, and when to eat it.


You don’t have to go to class. You don’t have to sit with a semi-intelligent nutritionist. You just begin. You begin by going to the grocery store. Actually, you begin by buying Ms. Colley-Lee’s book, Attack, Beat Down, Kill and Seriously Fight Cancer NOW! A Layperson’s Guide 


This book may be ordered  here:


This book is so confident that Ms. Colley-Lee should be brought before a congressional committee on the benefits of food science; rather than taxing our health care system and exploiting our bodies, all for the sake of science and economy. The authoress should be interviewed on CNN, FOX, MSNBC, and all of the fluffy morning shows. 


She should be awarded a research grant to prove again, this time to the world, her findings; then she should be awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine or maybe Science…To say the least!


Taken from Finally Magazine - which apparently is no longer being published as of 1-17-14



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